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STAMP STUFF Shirts Immersion

Single session, wearables workshop using batik stamps

  • From 50 US dollars
  • Bay Fibers Studio, 41660 Park Ave, Leonardtown

Service Description

Wear your own works of art. If you can use a cookie cutter, you can do this! You'll select from dozens of intricately carved stamps to use in creating your one of a kind wearable masterpiece. Each of the stamps are handmade and imported for Bay Fibers Studio from India, with unique designs that make each shirt impossible to repeat. Each participant creates a unique design of your own imagination followed by a single color dye. We typically use navy, teal and grey, but if you have a special request, note it on the reservation form. -Please note, this class is meant for adults. Interested in scheduling a kids workshop? Email Interested in a two color design? Book a mid-week follow up session to really make your piece transform. 90-120 minutes includes Introduction to wax and dye process (batik) Demonstration and tips Wax time Dye time (ooohs and ahhhs) PLEASE READ: This is a wax and dye process. We wear aprons and have gloves available but please be advised: 1. We use a low temperature blend of beeswax and soy wax, but participants should be comfortable working around melted wax which may come in contact with exposed skin. 2. We'll also be working with fiber reactive dyes in the studio which stain clothing (and skin!). Your instructor will handle the dye process to keep your date night outfit spotless, but you're welcome to lend a hand if you feel comfortable. 3. After creating your design, your piece will be immersed in a dye bath of your choosing to create a vibrant, permanently colored wearable artwork that is washable. The dye process takes about an hour to permanently set the dyes, followed by dry time. Most people don't choose to stay for the entire dye time (but you're welcome to). Your final shirt will be professionally cleaned and can either be picked up or mailed to you. YOU MUST SELECT A DELIVERY/PICKUP OPTION WHEN REGISTERING. Pickup is available next day, or during business hours. Interested in a preset design that incorporates your team, brand or event in some way? email

Upcoming Sessions

Contact Details

DIRECT ALL MAIL TO: PO Box 252, Leonardtown, MD 20650 41660 Park Avenue, Leonardtown, MD, USA

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